위싱 웰 Wishing Well _실비아 셰델바우어 Sylvia Schedelbauer
위싱 웰 Wishing Well _실비아 셰델바우어 Sylvia Schedelbauer
Germany / 2018 / Color, B&W / Sound / 13min / HD
솟구치는 색상들. 탈구되었지만 동기화된 시간.
초월성으로의 전환, 행위자에 대한 탐색, 숲의 흐름과의 재회
“당신이 들어가기를 두려워하는 그 동굴이 실은 당신이 찾고자 하는 것의 원천임이 드러난다.” J. 캠벨
숲 속의 빈터. 명멸. 절삭음이 들리며 이미지의 단순성이 곧바로 절개된다. 카메라는 동시에 후진하며, 우리는 우리 자신과의 거리를 두면서 새로운 어떤 것으로 진입한다. 여정이 시작된다. 길에는 한 아이가 있다. 손과 얼굴이 검은 채로 있다. 숲. 두 세계가 마주친다. 운동과 리듬, 형태와 색상의 유동성에 대한 상당한 감수성과 꾸준한 솜씨를 통해서 작가는 탐색과 발견에 대해 이야기한다. 사물의 역전된 운동 안에서 시간과 기억의 본질이 드러나며, 탐색의 미학이 드러난다.
Gushing colors. A time disjointed, yet synchronous.
A transcendent turn, a quest for agency, a reunion with currents of the forest.
"The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for." J. Campbell
A forest glade. A flickering. A cutting sound accompanies and dissects the simplicity of the image immediately, while the camera simultaneously moves backwards – we are distancing ourselves, entering into something new. The journey begins. A child on a path. It remains in the blackness, its hand, its face. The forest. Two universes encountering one another. With a steady touch and a great sensitivity for movement and rhythm, for form and the fluidity of colours, Sylvia Schedelbauer tells of a search and a discovery. In the reverse motion of objects, time and memory are laid bare and speak of the beauty of the search and the uncovered treasure. (Maike Mia Höhne, Berlinale)
The images in Sylvia Schedelbauer's films are there and not there. In our Short Talks interview we learn, that each of her movies uses flicker as an experimental technique for a different reason. But there's more to her craft than just the obvious as she explains while dissecting her Berlinale Shorts 2018 competitor Wishing Well for us. We also talked to her about a wide range of other topics, including the fight for female equality, her experience with art school and what success means for her as an indie filmmaker. Camera / Editing - Daniel Pook Host / Composer - Raphael Keric Location: VOX Bar / Grand Hyatt Hotel Berlin Excerpts from the short film Wishing Well - © Sylvia Schedelbauer
http://www.Short-Talks.com / http://www.ShortTalks.de http://www.Burnwho.com